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Claire Bodine calls upon all believers to participate in a worldwide simultaneous prayer. The focus of this prayer is our youth, our most valuable asset. Across the world innocent souls have been corrupted by the evil wave of destructive, maniacal, bloodthirsty video games that are plaguing our internet.
The time to act is now!
The devil is infiltrating the internet, winning souls everyday through this rash of vicious interactive games, more specifically Megadoom and DevilsGame. Our youth has turned away from the light and is systematically being drawn in by the greed, hatred, sex and violence which afflict these internet games.
By joining your fellow worshipers, you can help bring an end to this poison that has seeped into our everyday lives. Become part of our crusade, and volunteer to bring others into our flock as well! Fill out the form below to volunteer:
Prayer date: February 3rd
Prayer times around the world:
BEIJING: 1 a.m. • CALIFORNIA: 9 a.m. • LONDON: 5 p.m. • MOSCOW: 8 p.m. • TOKYO: 2 a.m.
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